Pasofix( Tiles Adhesive)

Pasofix refers to the adhesive used for joining tile, marble, granite and other decorative stones to walls and floors.


Time Saver

The tile adhesive comes in pre-mixed. The wormer only requires a small amount of water that is added to the adhesive at the time of use. This will save a lot of time and effort on the construction site as there is no need to wait for different materials to come and mix them up. This will further result in a quick construction procedure, and there will be less wastage of the material because the material is mixed with water in small quantities only.

Reduced Gaping

The mixture of the tile adhesive can easily spread out smoothly without taking up much of the space. Even the thickness of the layer of this mixture is very little, and the joint between the two tiles becomes clear. Thick joints will not only look messy but will also require a lot of time to settle out. Even the thin layering of the mixture means less material is used for placing things. So, it is clear that with small quantities more work can be easily done.

Reduced Wastage

The tile adhesive only needs some water, and it is mixed together. The material is ready for use. For the easy application of the adhesive, it is very important to work quickly to apply all the mixed adhesives in the thin layers.

Cost Effective

Yes, the use of the tile adhesive is a cost-effective deal that will also speed up the construction process. Even it results in the reduction of the overhead cost as workers can work more quickly. It will save a lot of time in comparison to the old techniques of construction. The time-consuming process will increase the cost of the procedure. So better to choose tile adhesive to make the process faster.

Provides Insolation.

The major benefit of using the tile adhesive is that it acts as a thermal insulator. It will help in preventing the passage of heat through the walls. This is all because the joints are very thin. This facility is not available in regular adhesives.

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